A major goal of our flight club has always been to promote affordable flying. If you’ve been on the fence about joining because of the cost, we are offering a fantastic deal for brand new CFC members.
Join before March 31, 2020 and you’ll get the following deals as part of your membership:
- The first year of membership is only $600 – a savings of $200!
- The monthly minimum flight time ($60) is waived – if you don’t fly, you don’t pay!
Winter weather in the northeast can be unpredictable, and some months you just find yourself too busy to even take a few laps in the pattern. If you don’t fly in a particular month, then the regular $60 fee will be waived.
Plus, let’s not forget the other benefits to joining:
- Four aircraft with a maximum of 15 members per aircraft to ensure optimal availability, even on weekends
- Monthly social events and flying adventures with your fellow members
- Access to a complex aircraft with multiple CFIs to train you on it
- A two-week vacation every year to take a plane wherever you want
- Affordable wet aircraft rates